Reading list

I'm not sure why I started keeping a list of what I've read.  Probably to feed some sense of (or give the illusion of) accomplishment, or growth.  I think one should be careful with lists like this, lest the reading experience become more about consumption (i.e., just adding to the list) than about appreciation.

I'm also conscious that posting this list here could give the impression that I'm trying to impress someone.  Thankfully, Art Garfunkel is here to keep us from getting too full of ourselves.


Love Letters and Two Other Plays, A.R. Gurney
Godless Morality, Richard Holloway
Meditations for Mortals, Oliver Burkeman
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula LeGuin
Gambler: Secrets from a Life at Risk, Billy Walters
Butterfield 8, John O'Hara 


A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens
The Peregrine, J.A. Baker
Appointment in Samarra, John O’Hara
American Scoundrel, Thomas Keneally
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain, George Saunders
The Book Thief, Markus Zusak
Permutation City, Greg Egan
God Human Animal Machine, Meghan O'Gieblyn
The Goldfinch, Donna Tartt
The Algebra of Wealth, Scott Galloway
The Breakthrough, Charles Graeber
Burn Book, Kara Swisher
Independence Day, George Saunders
The First 90 Days, Michael Watkins
Psychothérapie de Dieu, Boris Cyrulnik 


The Last Days of Roger Federer, Geoff Dyer
A Sport and a Pastime, James Salter
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, Haruki Murakami
Affliction, Russell Banks
Outlive, Peter Attia
Cloudsplitter, Russell Banks
This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Interior States, Meghan O'Gieblyn
The Best American Short Stories of the Century, John Updike (ed.)
News of the Dead, James Robertson
A Young Doctor's Notebook, Mikhail Bulgakov


On the Natural History of Destruction, W.G. Sebald
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare, Henry Miller
City of Djinns, William Dalrymple
The Plot, Jean Hanff Korelitz
Matrix, Lauren Groff
Euphoria, Lily King
Gun, with Occasional Music, Jonathan Lethem
Trains, Jesus, and Murder: The Gospel According to Johnny Cash, Richard Beck
The Secret History, Donna Tartt
The Best American Short Stories, 2021, Jesmyn Ward (ed.) 


On Writing Well, William Zinsser
Out of Office, Charlie Warzel & Anne Petersen
Spirit of Fire: The Life and Vision of Teilhard de Chardin, Ursula King
Tenth of December, George Saunders
Vacationland, John Hodgeman
A Life in Letters, Patrick Leigh Fermor
Faith After Doubt, Brian McLaren
A Wild Sheep Chase, Haruki Murakami
An Ugly Truth, Sheera Frenkel & Cecilia Kang
Silence and Stillness in Every Season, John Main
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, John LeCarre
Sleepers Awake, Kenneth Patchen
The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick
The Art and Politics of Science, Harold Varmus
The Serpent and the Moon, Princess Michael of Kent
Dune, Frank Herbert
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
Florida, Lauren Groff
How To Change Your Mind, Michael Pollan


Epic Continent, Nicholas Jubber
Circe, Madeline Miller
Who Rules the World?, Noam Chomsky
The Wisdom Jesus, Cynthia Bourgeault
Collected Poems, Sylvia Plath
Ted Hughes: The Unauthorized Life, Jonathan Bate
Yoga for People Who Can't Be Bothered To Do It, Geoff Dyer
The Metaphyscial Club, Louis Menand
Twilight in Italy, DH Lawrence
A Great Day at Sea, Geoff Dyer
The Noma Guide to Fermentation, René Rezdepi and David Zilber
Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe
Tales from Ovid, Ted Hughes
Out of Sheer Rage, Geoff Dyer
Practical Ethics, Peter Singer
Defiant Gardens: Making Gardens in Wartime, Kenneth Helphand
Sapiens, Yuval Harari
How To Be a Tudor, Ruth Goodman
American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer, Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin
The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Selected Poems, William Carlos Williams


The First Cadfael Omnibus, Ellis Peters
River of Fire, Sister Helen Prejean
Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander, Thomas Merton
Today I Wrote Nothing, Daniil Kharms
Searching for Sunday, Rachel Held Evans
The Patrick Melrose Novels, Edward St. Aubyn
Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O'Neil
Girl with Curious Hair, David Foster Wallace
Eye of the Needle, Ken Follett
L'Arabe de Futur 3, Riad Sattouf
Mani, Patrick Leigh Fermor
Erebus, Michael Palin
The Three Body Problem, Cixin Liu
Writings from the New Yorker: 1927-1976, E.B. White
Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel
Skin in the Game, Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi
Nicotine, Nell Zink
Our Only World, Wendell Berry
Seeds of Contemplation, Thomas Merton
The Portable Hannah Arendt, Hannah Arendt


Confessions, St. Augustine 
Transit, Rachel Cusk
The Reformation: A History, Diarmaid MacCulloch
Tide Players, Jianying Zha
Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott
The Miracle of Mindfulness, Thich Nhat Hahn
Why Buddhism Is True, Robert Wright
Teaching a Stone To Talk, Annie Dillard
The Braindead Megaphone, George Saunders
The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell
Old Filth, Jane Gardam
The Runner's Rule Book, Mark Remy
The White Album, Joan Didion
Changing Places, David Lodge
The Hero’s Journey, Joseph Campbell
Leaving Church, Barbara Brown Taylor
The Memory of Old Jack, Wendell Berry
40 Stories of Hope, Catherine Butcher (ed.)
Moral Man and Immoral Society, Reinhold Niebuhr
The Culture of Protestantism in Early Modern Scotland, Margo Todd



The Rainbow Stories, William T Vollmann
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, David Foster Wallace
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
On Faith and Science, Edward J. Larson and Michael Ruse
The Cannibal Galaxy, Cynthia Ozick
Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy
Lincoln in the Bardo, George Saunders
Report to Greco, Nikos Kazantzakis
And the Weak Suffer What They Must?, Yannis Varoufakis
Moonglow, Michael Chabon
L'Arabe du Future 2, Riad Sattouf
Canada, Richard Ford
Short Stories, John O'Hara 
Slade Alley, David Mitchell
The Shell Collector, Anthony Doerr
From the Holy Mountain, William Dalrymple
The Courage for Truth, Thomas Merton
L'Arabe du Future 1, Riad Sattouf
Conversations with David Foster Wallace, Stephen Burn (ed.)
The Sellout, Paul Beatty


Prison Writings, Alfred Delp
Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas
Women with Men, Richard Ford
Civilwarland in Bad Decline, George Saunders
Le Dieu du Carnage, Yasmina Reza
A Life of Jung, Ronald Hayman
Friends in High Places, Donna Leon
Contemplative Prayer, Thomas Merton
The Name of God Is Mercy, Pope Francis
Villette, Charlotte Bronte
A Brief History of Seven Killings, Marlon James
The Songlines, Bruce Chatwin
L'herbe des Nuits, Patrick Modiano


The Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton
The Bone Clocks, David Mitchell
Flash Boys, Michael Lewis
Complete Short Stories, Flannery O'Connor
Oblivion, David Foster Wallace
In Patagonia, Bruce Chatwin
The Dream Life of Sukhanov, Olga Grushin
Wondrous Encounters, Richard Rohr
Homo Faber, Max Frisch
Beyond the Bamboo Grove, Yoko Kawashima Watkins
I'm Not Stiller, Max Frisch
The Lay of the Land, Richard Ford


Customers Included, Mark Hurst
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lenconi
Man and His Symbols, CG Jung
Pastoralia, George Saunders
Mere Christianity, CS Lewis
Independence Day, Richard Ford
The Uses of Enchantment, Bruno Bettelheim
My Struggle v1, Karl Ove Knausgaard
Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
Both Flesh and Not, David Foster Wallace
The Four Loves, CS Lewis
Calvin in Context, Ian Manson
The Nazi and the Psychiatrist, Jack El-Hai


The Pale King, David Foster Wallace
The Book of Dave, Will Self
Consider the Lobster, David Foster Wallace
The Year of the Flood, Margaret Atwood
Measuring the World, Daniel Kehlmann
Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder
Civilwarland in Bad Decline, George Saunders
The Baron in the Trees, Italo Calvino
In Persuasion Nation, George Saunders
Vertigo, WG Sebald
Mephisto, Klaus Mann
Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman
Evidence of Things Unseen, Marianne Wiggins


Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
1Q84, Haruki Murakami
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, Haruki Murakami
Wind, Sand, and Stars, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Born to Run, Christopher McDougall
Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman
The Sense of an Ending, Julian Barnes
We, Robert Johnson
White Teeth, Zadie Smith
Legacy of Ashes, Tim Weiner
Running and Being, George Sheehan
Metroland, Julian Barnes
The Reason for God, Timothy Keller

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